How to order?

Step 1
Add some product(s) or goods into your Shopping Cart.
Select the size, color or quantity if necessary. Use the size guide in case you do not how to select the right size.
Click on “ADD TO CART”.
Step 2
Check out when goods selection is completed.
Click the VIEW CART button to review the Product(s) selected and make some modifications if needed;
Click on “CHECKOUT SECURELY NOW” if you are ready to place the order. Otherwise, click CONTINUE SHOPPING.
Step 4
Complete shipping and billing information.
- Fill in the shipping address;
- Select a payment method;
- Choose one shipping option;
- Apply a coupon * and points * of La Grand loyalty program
- Click on “PLACE ORDER”.
* means “If available”. View more information about La Grand Loyalty Program.
Step 5
Fill in payment information and then click the CONTINUE button to complete the purchase.
- Track your order and receive instant confirmation upon payment.